
July 3, 2005
By the numbers
I was trying to find some previously undetected silver lining in the cloud over Canada, after the Liberals managed to ram through their “redefinition of marriage” on Tuesday, with the support of the socialist party, and the separatist party of Quebec. After all, Friday was Dominion Day.

(Except, the Liberals changed the definition of that, too, in 1982; demolishing a very proud Canadian tradition that had lasted 115 years, and replacing it with their cheap, paper flag-waving propaganda. “We are proud, / We are free, / Living together in har-mo-ny,” said the jingle from the Liberal advertising agency at the time, designed to appeal to that part of the electorate which would never mature.)

At first there seemed nothing to reach for.

The Liberals were the party that changed the definition of murder, in 1969, by rewriting the law on abortion. Just as in the “same-sex” legislation this week, they wrapped it in the petroleum jelly of plausible-sounding restrictions, to get it past “moderate” Christians, assuring them “abortion on demand” would never be allowed. The Supreme Court finally eliminated these restrictions in 1988.

The Liberals solemnly promised they would never allow “gay marriage” as recently as 1999. But they are pathological liars, and can hardly be held to account for that. For the same reason, they are beyond blame for the latest slather of petroleum jelly, in which they promise that those of religious conscience will never be compelled to perform such abominations, and religious institutions will not have their charitable status revoked for failing to parrot the government line. In due course, the Supreme Court may eliminate those restrictions, too.

Next step in the revolution: “euthanasia” on demand. (I use quotes because the word “euthanasia” is intentionally misused. It means a peaceful death, not killing a person quietly.) Here, too, our governing classes insist we must catch up with the lunatics in countries such as the Netherlands. Sure enough, a private-member assisted suicide bill has already been slipped under the media radar, by the Bloc Québécois MP, Francine Lalonde. I would guess the Liberals will wait for another opportune charter case before “redefining suicide”. But it will come as inevitably as “gay marriage”, and it will require as little public support.

As Hilaire Belloc once wrote, in the gathering storm before the First World War: “It was the deliberate action of men, evil will in a few, and apathy of will among the many, which produced a catastrophe as human in its causes and inception as in its vile effect.”

So what is the upside?

After some thought, I’ve realized the effects of these various legislative acts, even the compound effects, are transient. In the immediate future, we must indeed confront the pain and chaos of a decadent and perverted society, possessed of a death-wish. Christians and other religious believers must expect to become targets of authority, as we progress further into a state-enforced Sodom and Gomorrah. The demographic collapse, like Europe’s, will continue to accelerate in post-Christian Canada.

But for how long? No trend is absolute. And the reality is, the people who embrace, or can tolerate, abortion, homosexuality, public suicide, and any similar device that presents itself, are assiduously removing themselves from the gene pool.

Let us look at the matter in purely demographic terms. Let us say, arbitrarily, that 10 per cent of our society remains faithfully Christian. As the 90 per cent who are raised to honour only the Zeitgeist are halved, in each generation, the 10 per cent remnant add half-again. Leaving aside all other factors, for the sake of demonstrating this one point, the overall population plummets at first, then stops falling, then resumes its rise.

Generational stage one: 90 of “them”, 10 of “us”; total 100.

Stage two: 45 them, 15 us; total 60.

Stage three: tied at 22.5; total 45.

Stage four: 11.25 them, 33.75 us; total 45.

Stage five: now they are 10 per cent, we are 90 per cent; total about 55.

Stage six: they are nearly extinct; total approaching 80.

Stage seven: population more than recovered, approaching 115.

Of course, it can happen faster than that, and probably will, if the Liberals remain in power. Of course, other features intrude. For instance, the recovering population may turn out to be Muslim instead of Christian. But any way you look at it, the “secular” contingent won’t be with us much longer; and the future remains with those who hear the whisper of Life: “Be fruitful and multiply.”

David Warren